A family striving to find joy in everyday life. In the small things, the big things and the blessings of this life.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Christmas in Indiana
To see my friends business check out her website... www.guardianrotweilers.com
Monday, December 15, 2008
My husband ROCKS!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Christmas Fun!
2. Real tree or Artificial? we own an artificial tree... but i like both, it's just easier with the kids to have an artificial tree. plus it's more cost effective
3. When do you put up the tree? just after Thanksgiving
4. When do you take the tree down? after the New Year - I heard that brings good luck..
5. Do you like eggnog? oh yea, I love eggnog mmmnnum yummy
6. Favorite gift received as a child? Hard to say I got a lot of gifts I loved. I think it would have been my fake cabbage patch doll. My grandma Lancaster made it for me.
7. Hardest person to buy for? My husband, he gives me his list of electronics he wants and usually will buy them himself, and doesn't let me get him what I want or he'll make me tell him what I'm getting him. It's really hard to keep a secret from him. I have to do better. I say that every year!
8. Easiest person to buy for? my boys typically. They are boys... pretty easy, nerf guns, bionicles or legos, and Cars for my youngest.
9. Do you have a nativity scene? Oh yes, I love them so much I collect them, I think I have about 5 or 6 so far, and every year I see another one I want to add to my collection.
10. Mail or email Christmas cards?I buy cards, and some years i've even written the name and address on them, even signed them just never get around to mailing them off. I was good the first part of my marriage, but after three kids, i've been really bad, I'm planning on sending out cards this year. WE'll see how well that goes.
11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received?I think it was last year or the year before, my husband bless his soul... he tried to get me a gift he thought i would love and needed. He got me a franklin planner purse. It was not what I wanted or needed. He has learned not to do that again. I love him for his efforts and trying to help me make my life easier. I applaud him for his effort. but yea worst gift I ever got.
12. Favorite Christmas Movie? A Christmas Story, White Christmas, The Nativity, Its a Wonderful Life
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? I try right after christmas on all the after christmas sales, but those usually get used for birthday gifts throughout the year. So usually after Halloween.
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? heck yeah. Those are the best gifts to give to someone else;)
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Chocolate, Ham, Bill's Grandmother's christmas cookies, Homemade yeast rolls, everything basically.
16. What story do you read on christmas Eve? We read the night before christmas as well as the story of Christ's birth.
17. Favorite Christmas song? Silent Night, and What child is this?
18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? Usually we stay close to home, we are home the first part of the day then we usually go to Bill's parents house. This year we are traveling to Indiana, unless my dad passes and then we'll be going to Texas. That's the plan so far.
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer's? Of course. Who can't... I don't know anyone, do you?
20. Angel on the tree top or a star? nothing at the moment, but usually an angel
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? one on Christmas Eve the rest on Christmas morning
22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? materialism, crazy people in the stores
23. Favorite ornament theme or color? kids, my kids decorate the tree with things they've made, to me that is so special. Usually red, green, white, yellow
24. Favorite for Christmas dinner? ham
25. What do you want for Christmas this year? Time spent with my family and friends, Love and peace
Sunday, December 7, 2008
My Husband Rocks Bunches this weekend
Thursday, December 4, 2008
My husband Rocks!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Talk on Obedience given by Shae Clark
On the day I wanted to start painting, I couldn’t find a tape measure to mark the dividing line. I used painters’ masking tape instead and decided to eyeball the line. After all, how hard is it to tape a straight line across a wall? After I had one wall taped, it looked so good that I thought I’d find a level and check my work. Initially, the line started out even, but to my surprise, it moved fractionally downward. By the time I got to the opposite corner, the difference was about half an inch (1 cm). Although the difference may seem insignificant, if I’d continued on all four walls, the ending line would have been at least two inches (5 cm) below the beginning line!
After discovering my mistake, I found a yardstick and measured from the ceiling to the desired height on the wall, marked the measurement in several places, and then connected the marks by drawing a straight line with the yardstick and a pencil. I repeated the process on all four walls.
As I worked, it occurred to me that living the gospel of Jesus Christ is similar to painting a room. Sometimes we use our “tools” to keep us on the strait and narrow, while at other times we go through our days “eyeballing” our spirituality. We have the tools we need to stay on a straight course—scriptures, church, daily prayer, family home evening, counsel from Church leaders—but we don’t always use them. We often think that we are faster and better off doing the task on our own.
Painting my daughter’s room, however, showed me that I wasted time by not using the proper tools in the first place. Instead of making an even line on my first attempt and finishing the job faster, I had to fix the mistake and then finish the other three walls correctly.
We can also be the tools to help others. As home and visiting teachers, we have the responsibility to help both those who are struggling and those who seem to be fine. As teachers, we can prepare our lessons prayerfully and in advance, allowing the Lord to work through us. We can serve our families and others by being an example of one who strives to live the gospel.
As a Latter-day Saint in these troubling times, I have learned that I can’t get by with just eyeballing my spirituality. I need to use all the resources and tools I’ve been given to constantly check my bearings and remain on, or return to, the straight path that leads back to Heavenly Father.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Christmas - Getting to know you
3. When do you put up the tree? the weekend of thanksgiving. usually friday.
4. When do you take the tree down? usually after the new year 5. Do you like eggnog? OH, Yea!!!
6. Favorite gift received as a child? a basketball 7. Hardest person to buy for? my husband, and giving my husband an idea of what I want. 8. Easiest person to buy for? the boys!
9. Do you have a nativity scene? yep several, i collect them. I just love them! my favorite one right now is the Willow tree nativity set. 10. Mail or email Christmas cards? I try to mail cristmas cards, but i usually get so busy i don't get them out.. I know i'm bad. maybe this year the boys can help me. :) I have several boxes from the other years. So luckily I don't have to buy any. :) 11.Worst Christmas gift you ever received? a franklin planner/purse from my hubby.
12. Favorite Christmas Movie? White Christmas and the Nativity
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? last minute due to lack of fundage... but this year i'm already ahead. The boys are mostly done. Just afew odds and ends.
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Yea. Those are the best!!!
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Ham, mashed potatoes, Bill's grandmother's cookies, pecan pie, christmas cookies, orange rolls, the whole shibang!!! 16. Lights on the tree? oh yea... we have a fake tree with it's lights already on it. Pre-lit. I know lazy but effective.red, white and green! 17. Favorite Christmas song? It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas... every where you go! ..... 18.Travel at Christmas or stay home? Doesn't matter as long as I'm with family!
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer's? dasher, dancer, prancer and vixen, comet and cupid, donner and blitzen..... and of course Rudolf 20. Angel on the tree top or a star? Star... but some years it's an angel. both significant
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? We give the kids one gift on christmas eve, usually christmas pj's.... then the rest on Christmas
22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? my husband's bah humbag attitude...
23. Favorite ornament theme or color? my favorite ornament.... hmmm... would have to be a heart. Bill got a glass heart right after his first heart surgery. to me it represents the love of christmas and the blessings that we have.
24. Favorite for Christmas dinner? all of my favorite foods.... mmmmm yummy
25. What do you want for Christmas this year? don't know. to see my side of the family, a little girl, a horse, a farm. things I can't have yet. oh well, it's good to dream!
26. Who is most likely to respond to this? don't know, those in the christmas spirit!
27. Who is least likely to respond to this? those who are bah humbags... scrooges!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Employee's first article

After working as a contractor at AOL for nine years in several positions, last year Shae Clark became a full-time employee in Human Resources. She then transitioned into a role as data analyst for the Global Workforce Analytics team responsible for ad-hoc reporting, data integrity auditing and project management. In the Q&A below, find out what brought Shae to AOL in the first place and how she turned a temporary position into a full-time career.
When did you begin working at AOL?
It's an interesting story. I had been a contract worker on and off for nine years in various groups such as Broadband, Marketing Operations, System Operations, Network Operations and others. The temporary nature of the role gave me flexibility -- I have three small children -- and working for several groups allowed me to learn a lot about the company. As time went by, I wanted a more stable situation. My last contract position in 2007 working for Michaela Oliver led to a permanent position as an administrative assistant in Human Resources.
What attracted you to AOL?
My husband has worked at AOL for 10 years and has always enjoyed it -- that influenced me. Also, it made sense for us to work at the same place since we only had one vehicle. Once I began temping I enjoyed those roles and the people I worked with, so even after we owned two cars, I wanted to continue to work here.
What were you looking for in your next role?
A challenge. I did administrative work for nearly 13 years and wanted to use my knowledge of the company to expand my horizons. Through networking with my colleagues in HR, I was intrigued with the newly forming Analytics team and was given an opportunity to cross train and devote some of my time to that team. It was a wonderful learning experience and ultimately I was offered the chance to work on the team full time. I still have a lot of learning to do, but I'm excited about the position.
Why did you decide to look internally versus looking for positions outside of AOL?
I just love AOL -- some might call me a "lifer." It's a great company to work for and I have so much history here, it would be hard for me to leave.
What did you perceive to be your biggest roadblock when considering a job change?
My own insecurities about breaking out of the admin role. I needed to find a group that recognized I could do more and that was willing to give me an opportunity.
What steps did you take to prepare yourself?
Networking was a huge part of it. Through discussions with my manager and other HR colleagues, I identified opportunities.
What steps worked best for you in your search for a new role?
Communication and action -- I tried to be proactive and speak with people about my interest in changing roles. I was willing to step out of my comfort zone and take on new projects that were exciting and challenging at the same time. Talking to my manager about my goals and what I wanted helped me to get those new projects and ultimately a new position.
Which skills were most transferrable from your previous job to your current position?Relationship building, knowledge of the company, understanding the environment at AOL, networking, organizational skills, communication skills, time management and the ability to multi-task. Having energy and excitement about the future also helped me transition and to continue to perform well.
How did your manager support your career development?
My previous manager was very supportive of my career development. She gave me opportunities and allowed me to take on more responsibility. She encouraged me to try new things, and I appreciate her efforts to help me succeed.
Any advice for those looking for other positions internally?
Don't be afraid to discuss what you want with your manager. Be open and honest about your current job, but share that you would be interested in a change if something came up. Be willing to take on new responsibilities and keep the lines of communication open with your manager on how those new responsibilities are working out. Be honest if it isn't a good fit -- the only way your manager will know is if you communicate that.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Halloween Pictures

Here are our family Halloween Pictures, Bryen was Dr. KillJoy, Braeden was a Clone Trooper, Mikey was our little Iron Man. Bill was a Woopy Cushion and I was a sleepy kid. We went out and collected lots of candy and we went door to door with some friends from the neighborhood. Their little boy is in our family picture. I can't remember which one. It was fun.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Our Family Pictures
I would like to invite you to view your pictures at Postma Videography and Photography. Go to our website at http://ordering.postmavideo.com.
Click the Access Gallery link and enter in the access code below:
Access code: billandnancy
After you do that, you will be able to view these pictures.
Barack Obama Our new President
Monday, November 3, 2008
This Historic Election on Tuesday
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Happy Birthday Bryen! It's hard to believe your 9!!!
Saturday was a much better day than Friday. We had a race cleaning the house. It made the job so much funner. We split the house by floor. Bill, Braeden and Mikey had the downstairs - living room, front room and kitchen. (not the messiest.) and Bryen and I tackled the upstairs (4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. (the messiest)... can you guess who won?..... Bryen and I. We worked together well and stayed focus on the task. We decided to work on each room as a team and when one room was done then we would move to the next room. My husband's team took a different approach. He decided he would do the kitchen and the other two boys were to do the other two rooms. The boys had a hard time staying on task and staying focused without constant supervision and encouragement. Bill felt like he was working alone and worked much slower alone than with another person. He was frustrated and flustered where as Bryen and I were happy and encouraging and enthusiastic. We were so excited to see we won the race. Bryen got some Cotton Candy from Walmart as a special treat for helping our team to win. All the boys got a candy bracelet for their efforts. It was interesting to see how important it is sometimes when things are so tough or overwhelming to work as a team or with someone and not alone. I can see many parallels between this situation and the other obsticals in our life. I makes things easier to get thru when we have someone help us thru it instead of trying to do it on our own. I am grateful for that situation. Not only because I got a clean house but because of the wonderful lesson I learned.
Sunday was a family day... we played hooky from church... we have been so busy with our callings and work, both of us pulling a ton of OT that we needed a family day. We went to the Catoctin Animal Refuge Zoo near Thurmont MD. It's expensive... but for a great cause. The boys did a scavenger hunt thru the Zoo for a prize at the end. It helped them really enjoy and learn about the animals there. They have snakes, bears, deer, buffolo, camels, bangel tigers, jaguars, peakocks, kangaroo, turtles, makaws, lemers, black swans and much more. It was so cool to see the animals. Some of them we could pet and feed. The kids liked getting all messy while feeding the animals. The tigers were so close, they are such majestic animals. Bill wanted to stay there all day and just watch the tigers play with one another. But the kids wouldn't have it. :( :) It was a good day. Now we are back to work, and working hard.
I hope you all had a great weekend. Thanks for reading :)
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Health History
Monday, September 29, 2008
Braeden's Birthday and upcoming Baptism
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Labor day trip to Boston
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
First Day of School

Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Is it that time already?
Friday, July 25, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
News Update July 21, 2008
My little brother Curtis is getting released today from Juvie... I'm a little nerveous as my mother wants us to welcome him home with open arms. He has been in for just over 2 yrs. I don't think Bryen knows that he is getting out so soon. I am concerned that he will revert back to destructive behavior once he finds out he is out of Jail and is near by. I want him to keep feeling safe and I feel my hands are tied. I pray for strength every day and courage to do the right thing.
Braeden lost a tooth this weekend. He is very excited.
Shae and Bill celebrated their 10 yr wedding anniversary on Friday.
Mikey worked on overcoming his fear of the ocean on Saturday... It took him 2.5 hrs to put his feet in the surf but by small steps... we can overcome our fears.
Bill's doing well with his recovery. He had a little bleeding from his insision area but have been reasured it is normal and doing well. He still gets tired easy but is in good spirits. He went to the beach this weekend and felt rejuvinated by it. It was nice to see him enjoying himself.
My sister Katy is closing on her first house this week. I'm happy for her.
My mom will have my brother Curtis living with her again. She is very excited to have him home. She has missed him greatly.
My sister Jennifer is still living at my dad's house working two jobs last I checked. She says she is doing well.
Kenneth and JP I haven't talked with in a long time. I hope they are doing well.
That is the update on our family. I'll try to post hightlights often as I know them. Thanks for your prayers.
10 yr Anniversary - Bill and Shae
Monday, July 14, 2008
Another year older... maybe not that much wiser...Who knows
Not much wiser because....I haven't learned to appreciate that I'm getting older... Growing up is hard even though I don't want to be a youngen... I don't even wish to be in my early twenties... Things are getting harder and I'm glad I have the experiences that I have however, Deep breath.... I am tired. I know there is more learning and growing as we get older... I'm just tired right now and would like to take a summer break sotoo speak. That was one thing I loved about school... Summer break, No school, No getting up early for school/responsibilites. I could play with my brothers/sisters and not have to worry about homework or anything it was nice. Of course there were draw backs to that as awell... I didn't get to see my friends everyday... I had more chores to do since we were all home all day long. I got into trouble more since we were goofing off alot. I loved just lying under a giant tree on the soft green freshly cut grass... looking up at the sky at the huge white puffy clouds rolling by... make believing or seeing things in the clouds like Gigantic icecream cones, or Pirate ships sailing by, or things like a cat or dog jumping over something. Eating watermellon in the back yard and spitting seeds at my brothers and getting all sticky and rinsing off in the hose for an impromptu water fight. Helping my dad by washing cars he would work on for a little extra money and then going to the store across the highway for candy and sodas. Ah,... the good old days when things were simple.
Back to reality... Work 8 hrs a day. Full time mom, fulltime wife, daughter, friend, church callings, scripture study, temple attendance. the list goes on and on. Nothing is as simple anymore. but maybe just maybe thinking of the simple times helps us gain a better perspective of who we are, where we've been and where we are going. To realize things don't always have to be crazy out of control and things can be simple if we were willing to accept simple and be fullfilled with that. I guess that too is part of growing old that we are not content with the simple. We feel some need to be crazy out of control or we are not fully fulfilled. Oh well, enough of my ramblings.
Well, this weekend will be my 10 year anniversary being married to Bill. Some days it is hard to believe that we've been together that long after such a short courtship. I know we both try and that is the most important thing that we haven't given up on each other just yet. Luckily for me... He's not fed up with me. (just yet) ;) we can still laugh at eachother and with eachother. WE can still work thru our issues. Nothing has been more than we can work thru with the Savior as our guide. I'm grateful for that. Happy Anniversary Bill. I STILL love you!
Saturday, July 5, 2008
A happy 4th of July
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
We're home
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Remember when we were all young and close? It is strange to believe that we're all grown up and have children of our own. I remember the family reunions and times we would spend at the Kirks house, and Blanco State Park and Grandma and Grandpa's house. I remember looking forward to our get togethers everytime. Those were some happy times. Look at how young we all were. Good times... good times. Well I just wanted to share with everyone part of my family. Now it is grown and would love to have another Dickson/Frazer/Lancaster/Kirk/Beaver/Moffett/Neathery/Jankus family reunion with all the cousins and their kids and spouses. Wouldn't it be fun... Maybe next year..? Any takers?
Monday, June 16, 2008
Down to the Wire and Happy Father's Day
Monday, June 9, 2008
Blessings of the Temple
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
My thread of Joy
1) Having a husband who loves me and that I can trust.. Peace and Joy I find in that thought.
2) Mikey (age 5) getting up on Sunday and bearing his testimony - Not scared at all - Finding strength in Truth - Such a Joy
3) Expressing my testimony on Sunday - Sharing the truth I have in my life and praising my Savior. For he carries me thru these trial that feel to much. What a Joy to have him at my side always.
4) Spending time with my boys and watching them interact nicely one with another. Realizing they are truely trying to be honorable young men. - Such a joy!
5) Finding and purchasing new Makeup that looks good on - I feel better and more like a Daughter of God. - Joy in Beauty.
6) Having a job that challenges my mind - Being able to learn new things a expand my knowledge. A joy in knowledge.
7) Having the flexibility to work from home 2 days a week. A Joy to be able to spend more time with my children and my husband. Family first/Family forever.
8) Being able to attend the temple - Joy in things of a Higher sphere. Thinking beyond self.
9) Having a priesthood holder in my home and being able to call upon the power of the priesthood when needed. This is such a JOY! Having a worthy priesthood holder as my husband is such a joy and a blessing.
10) Knowing I love my husband more every day. Joy in love!
I know some of this is broad. But sometimes our Joy can be. Anything to help brighten our lifes and see the good is a Joy. I'm greatful for the love and strength of my family. I am so happy that my Aunt Beth decided to be baptised. It is such a joy! I know it was a personal decision. But I share in her joy!
I know the Lord loves me and my family. And that as long as we put our trust in him we shall not fail. Keeping our faith and trusting in his goodness.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
We have a date
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Still waiting
In lighter news, my mother-in-law just retired. Which is really cool. She will be able to help us with the kids while Bill is having surgery and when we need a little help with childcare. I am so greatful for the blessings of my in-laws in my life.
The boys are getting big and growing up fast.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Getting Ready
Well, I need to get back to work... I'll keep plugging along.
Thanks for stopping by :)
Monday, April 28, 2008
A little scared
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Days with the boys
I got a haircut this weekend and It's too short. It's really short. I seem to get haircuts too short. It hasn't been this short in years. Bill doesn't like it he said luckily it will grow out. He is hoping it grows fast. That is one way I know it's a bad haircut.
I enjoy reading my cousin Mimi's blog. I get uplifted from reading her blog. I am encouraged to know that relationships where husbands are truely equals with their spouses do exist. I am working on that in mine, but it is really hard. My husband isn't as supportive of the things that I need to do as I would like. I have a hard time getting him to even make dinner when I'm so swamped. It would be nice if he helped out around the house more. Maybe I wouldn't be so swamped all the time. I keep feeling like I can't breathe... my house is so messy all the time now. I can't even think sometimes to make dinner. I am grateful for those truely blessed in my family who have wonderful spouses who help them. It is such a blessing. I am grateful for the things that my husband does do. He works really hard to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table. I am grateful for his priesthood and the blessings that it has brought to our home. I'm grateful for the blessing of him completing an honorable mission. I am grateful that he is still here. I have been really worried about him as of late. He had open heart surgery on his mission to repair a bicuspid aortic valve. He had a heart valve transplant. This last week he started having severe heart palpetations. He went to the emergency room on Thursday night and they told him he had had too much caffiene and too much stress (probably from work) and so he took off work on Friday. Back to work this week. But I worry about him. He has a cardiology appointment on Friday this week. I'm hoping everything really is ok. It is hard with him... but it would be even harder without him. Please keep him in your prayers. He had his surgery over 9 years ago, with no issues, no problems. Here's to hoping for several more.
I don't mean to vent.... i just needed to share. Don't get me wrong I love my husband and he does alot for our family. I just know that if he wanted he could do so much more. Thanks for reading. :)