A family striving to find joy in everyday life. In the small things, the big things and the blessings of this life.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Spring Break
This last week was spring break for my kids. It was a fun week. I had off on Monday and Tuesday, then I was off to California for a training class on PeopleSoft. My husband Bill had all week off with the boys. They had a lot of fun and traveled. Monday and Tuesday were nice sleeping in and letting the boys wreck havoc on the house. Well Monday at least and half of Tuesday. We just wanted to let down our hair and relax. We didn't really go anywhere. We had had a very long weekend prior to then. The friday before Spring Break was my Grandpa Dickson's Burial at the Arlington National Cemetary. It was an amazing experience. I got to visit with some of my cousins that I haven't seen in many years. My Aunts and Uncles that I haven't seen in years as well. It was good to see them all, even if it was under such curcumstances. I got to see Kotrina and Darius from the Jankus Family, Robbie and Stephanie from the Beavers and David from the Neatherly clan. Kotrina, her husband and their two boys (I unfortunately can't remember her last name or her husbands name.) They are so cute! Her little family. I remember those days all too well. She is doing so good with them. I really was so glad to see them. I brought my boys with Bill and I to the Burial. We felt it would be a good experience for them to see the patriotism of the Burial as well as the Honors of the Military. They loved the horses and they thought it was neat. It was amazing. Mikey, my youngest, started crying when they removed the casket from the hurst and put it on the back of the horse drawn wagon led by four white majestic horses. The casket was covered by the flag. The Honor Guard did a fabulous job with their movements in sync. It was very majestic. Once the casket was loaded on the back of the wagon he stopped crying. I asked him why he was crying, he said he didn't know. I think he could feel the spirit of the moment and understood even in his little 4 yr old soul, what was going on and what it all ment. It touched me to see his genuine expression of feeling at that time that I started tearing up when I thought about what it all ment. We were then invited to follow the persession of the military down to the burial location from the top of the hill where we were standing. Some drove and others walked. As we walked those visiting other graves that we passed, Stopped and saluted and stood in attention as we passed. It was so touching to see their Honor for Grandpa, whom they didn't know but knew was a fellow soldier. The commrodery was so heartfelt. After the wonderful service with the twenty one gun salute, Taps and a prayer. They folded the flag and handed it to Nancy. They said several words of praise for Grandpa and condoliences for the family. Then it was over. No one seemed to want to leave. We hung outside by the cars talking for quite a while after we were dismissed. Hugs and consoling each other. Drinking in the events of the day thus far. We eventually departed ways and several of us met at a restaurant called the Green Olive in Alexandria, VA. It was a chinese buffet. It was good. Afterwords, Bill, and I with the boys went over to Jeanne's house to let the boys run off some steam. They had a lot of fun playing in her back yard. They got very dirty... Their nice church clothes were definately worn in. luckily no rips or tears. For that I was greatful and the rest was washed out. After we hung out there for a while we all met back with the family at Aunt Jeanne's church building for a wake service of sorts. Where we could all visit and talk and relax. My kids played with Kotrina's oldest son, until he got hurt. My boys can get alittle rough. But I think they all had fun. It was nice visiting with family and catching up on what they are all doing these days. We drove home and got home around 10:30pm it was a long day. Then Saturday was running errands and getting ready for Church on Sunday. Sunday was church. Monday was the first day to rest and relax. We didn't run anywhere or do anything but stay home and try to be calm. Which was a nice day. Tuesday we slept in and then worked on the house, cleaning up and doing laundry. Braeden started getting sick and was weezing so we had to take him to the doctors as he has resperatory issues easily. He was put on an inhaler for weezing with his cold. I left for California on Wednesday. I had an early flight out of Dulles. VA at 9am which is rush hour as well as having to be there at least 2 hr early for airport security. So I was there by 7am. I got up at 4am to finish getting ready to go. Bill and the boys drove me to the airport. It was very nice of them to do. It's a long drive early in the morning. I had an uneventful time at security, and on the flight out to California. I arrived 6 hrs later in California around 12pmPST/3pmEST. The only person I know in that part of California is my husband's cousin Jessica who lives outside of San Francisco. I was going to a training class on PeopleSoft, in Pleasanton CA which is 45 min outside of San Francisco. I drove my rental car to the Hotel, but didn't stay there long. I wanted to explore this area a little bit before the sun went down. I drove around and found a Target, Walmart, Food places and other little shops. I got acclamated to the streets and found the training facility I was to attend the next day. So I would know how long it took for me in the morning to get there. While I was exploring, I called Bill to let him know that I had arrived safely. He informed me that he was on his way to North Carolina with the boys and that they were going to the Beach. I was sad. I wanted to go to the beach with the boys and see them play in the water and have fun with them. But I was doing something for work and was unable to go :( Well Bill took pictures for me so I wouldn't feel so left out. Of which I am greatful. I was still sad. I was also happy that he was taking this time to be with the boys and have fun with them. It was a long drive to the Beach (9hrs one way) with three boys in the back seat. With no help. What a brave man! I didn't do much but sleep, go to training and walk around a little in Pleasanton. It is a quaint little town with cute little shops and the best bakery for crassaunts I've ever had in my entire life. It is called Bibito, it was YUMMY! I finished my class on Friday, flew home on Saturday and got sick. I was sick Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday and even today. I'm just I hope getting over it. I got Braeden's cold. Saturday the flight home wasn't too bad except for coming in to DC. My ears get too pressurized and they hurt really bad. It also took a while for me to hear anyone for the first 3 hrs I was home. Not a fun experience. It was also Mikey's 5th Birthday. I didn't like not spending it with him. I did get to have dinner with him at Red Robin. He enjoyed it. So now here we are back to work on Monday. Still a little sick, looking forward to this weekend, to be able to spend more time with the boys. Here's hoping you have a good, fun, safe Spring Break.
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