A family striving to find joy in everyday life. In the small things, the big things and the blessings of this life.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
We're home
Well, we are home from the hospital. We came home on Sunday, June 22, 2008. Bills surgery was a success. He did extremely well and was recovering well so they sent him home. It hasn't been easy but we are pushing along. We are blessed by the power of the priesthood. It has been a wonderful blessing to us. Bill, myself, and our three boys along with his parents all received blessings before he went into the hospital. We have been given the strength to endure the hardships that have come our way. I've been able to be strong and collected thru it all so far. Our faith has grown and our love for each other has expanded. I am grateful for the blessings of our family and friends as they have supported us and helped us thru this time. We are grateful for the prayers and well wishes from everyone. We have been able to keep a positive mind frame which has helped us thru these times. Bill is still recovering and is still in some pain. But he is home and doing well. Thanks for all of your prayers. :) I'm grateful for the savior and his watchful hand over our family. He carries me thru these times of trial and helping me to learn and grow and rely on his strength.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Remember when we were all young and close? It is strange to believe that we're all grown up and have children of our own. I remember the family reunions and times we would spend at the Kirks house, and Blanco State Park and Grandma and Grandpa's house. I remember looking forward to our get togethers everytime. Those were some happy times. Look at how young we all were. Good times... good times. Well I just wanted to share with everyone part of my family. Now it is grown and would love to have another Dickson/Frazer/Lancaster/Kirk/Beaver/Moffett/Neathery/Jankus family reunion with all the cousins and their kids and spouses. Wouldn't it be fun... Maybe next year..? Any takers?
Monday, June 16, 2008
Down to the Wire and Happy Father's Day
Well, we are down to the wire almost time for Bill's surgery and I'm getting a little more stressed everyday. My house which once was cleaned is now a royal mess again, so I'm not feeling very organized and prepared for this. Yesturday was father's day and I had a wonderful day with my husband and my Father-in-law. We gave my father-in-law a heirloom Book of Mormon and a book about the Power of a Virtuous Man. We wanted him to know that we support him as the head of the family and as a priesthood holder, and that we look to him for guidance and inspirations sometimes. The boys and I gave Bill a grill and a 5lb. bag of hotdogs. He loves hotdogs. So he cooked hotdogs and we roasted marshmellows on the new grill last night. It was a nice evening. Bill is getting nerveous. He is starting to stress about the proceedure and the pain of everything. I am trying to keep his spirits up. But it isn't easy as I am getting nerveous too. I trust the lord and his power. I am just lacking in other areas. I know that the lords will will be done. We are still taking a day at a time.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Blessings of the Temple
I was blessed, this Saturday, to be able to attend the temple with my husband. It was such a wonderful experience. I was able to feel the love of my savior and his gentle arms around me. I was able to feel the comfort of prayer that can bring peace to the soul. I know that everything is in the Lord's hands and that he has made my burdans light and that he will grant my righteous prayers. I feel so blessed to have had that experience. It has brought such peace to my soul. I just wanted to share.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
My thread of Joy
I am grateful for the example of my cousins. They are wonderful examples of finding the silver lining in crazy clouds when we are weary. My cousin mentioned in her blog how she was weary and yet still trying to find her thread of Joy weaved thru her life within one week. I decided that is what I needed to do as well even if on a more general level. My life right now especially, I am very weary and feel sometimes that there is no Joy only sorrow. I know the Savior has said that we must pass thru sorrow to truely be able to feel Joy. As I am going thru sorrow. I am trying to stay focused on the Joy he speaks of. It is helping me feel not so weary and overwhelmed.
1) Having a husband who loves me and that I can trust.. Peace and Joy I find in that thought.
2) Mikey (age 5) getting up on Sunday and bearing his testimony - Not scared at all - Finding strength in Truth - Such a Joy
3) Expressing my testimony on Sunday - Sharing the truth I have in my life and praising my Savior. For he carries me thru these trial that feel to much. What a Joy to have him at my side always.
4) Spending time with my boys and watching them interact nicely one with another. Realizing they are truely trying to be honorable young men. - Such a joy!
5) Finding and purchasing new Makeup that looks good on - I feel better and more like a Daughter of God. - Joy in Beauty.
6) Having a job that challenges my mind - Being able to learn new things a expand my knowledge. A joy in knowledge.
7) Having the flexibility to work from home 2 days a week. A Joy to be able to spend more time with my children and my husband. Family first/Family forever.
8) Being able to attend the temple - Joy in things of a Higher sphere. Thinking beyond self.
9) Having a priesthood holder in my home and being able to call upon the power of the priesthood when needed. This is such a JOY! Having a worthy priesthood holder as my husband is such a joy and a blessing.
10) Knowing I love my husband more every day. Joy in love!
I know some of this is broad. But sometimes our Joy can be. Anything to help brighten our lifes and see the good is a Joy. I'm greatful for the love and strength of my family. I am so happy that my Aunt Beth decided to be baptised. It is such a joy! I know it was a personal decision. But I share in her joy!
I know the Lord loves me and my family. And that as long as we put our trust in him we shall not fail. Keeping our faith and trusting in his goodness.
1) Having a husband who loves me and that I can trust.. Peace and Joy I find in that thought.
2) Mikey (age 5) getting up on Sunday and bearing his testimony - Not scared at all - Finding strength in Truth - Such a Joy
3) Expressing my testimony on Sunday - Sharing the truth I have in my life and praising my Savior. For he carries me thru these trial that feel to much. What a Joy to have him at my side always.
4) Spending time with my boys and watching them interact nicely one with another. Realizing they are truely trying to be honorable young men. - Such a joy!
5) Finding and purchasing new Makeup that looks good on - I feel better and more like a Daughter of God. - Joy in Beauty.
6) Having a job that challenges my mind - Being able to learn new things a expand my knowledge. A joy in knowledge.
7) Having the flexibility to work from home 2 days a week. A Joy to be able to spend more time with my children and my husband. Family first/Family forever.
8) Being able to attend the temple - Joy in things of a Higher sphere. Thinking beyond self.
9) Having a priesthood holder in my home and being able to call upon the power of the priesthood when needed. This is such a JOY! Having a worthy priesthood holder as my husband is such a joy and a blessing.
10) Knowing I love my husband more every day. Joy in love!
I know some of this is broad. But sometimes our Joy can be. Anything to help brighten our lifes and see the good is a Joy. I'm greatful for the love and strength of my family. I am so happy that my Aunt Beth decided to be baptised. It is such a joy! I know it was a personal decision. But I share in her joy!
I know the Lord loves me and my family. And that as long as we put our trust in him we shall not fail. Keeping our faith and trusting in his goodness.
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