Boy, I guess it's been awhile since I last posted. Things have been good, crazy and fun. We've had good times and bad. It's been a whirlwind for sure. Let's see where do I start. Bill has been really enjoying working from home. The kids started school on August 25, 2009. They really love their teachers. Bryen is in 4th Grade and has Ms. Bagley, Braeden is in 3rd Grade and has Ms. Turnbow, and Mikey is in 1st Grade and has Ms. Lindsey. They are doing very well. I still have not found work, which is ok. I'm enjoying being home. I've been doing a TON of canning. I've made several kinds of jellies, and canned peaches and pears. I'm working on Salsa and green chili's. My father passed away Aug. 11, 2009 in Temple Tx. So we had to make a trip there. Bill's grandmother just passed away, he is currently in WV/VA. He returns Monday, Sept. 21. Joi is doing well, she is getting so big... Still a puppy, but you wouldn't know it looking at her. She is getting so big. I've made a few friends, which is nice. Still no one like in WV... But I'm hopeful. I've been active in the Ward Choir. I have a solo part in an upcoming performance at church. it's a small part ... with the choir. But I'm trying to be brave. It's Love at Home... I love that song so I should do ok. We sing in Church on Sunday... Master the Tempest is Raging. It's a hard arrangement. I just pray the angels are singing with us. We still mess up on a few parts. When I was canning some peaches two weeks ago with a couple of sisters in the ward... WE canned 216 jars of peaches in one day... crazy huh? yea I know we're nuts. But my friends peach tree runneth over and she didn't want them to go to waste. Braeden just loves them. He eats peaches almost every day. I ended up with 3 dozen quart jars full of peaches from that day. and about 5 other dozen from my other canning days. :) I learned you can make jelly out of the peach pits. It's called peachstone jelly. It's yummy and has a beautiful color. I am thinking I didn't cook it long enough to thicken the way it should have, so I ended up mostly with peachstone syrup. :) which is still yummy. I need to find a use for it besides on pancakes.. I'm thinking of mixing it with peaches in a peach cobbler. I will have to try it and let you know how it goes. I love being out here with all of the case lot sales. Lots of great deals on cases of food. I've been able to build up some of my food storage easier here than before. They even sale things at walmart in the Food Storage section in Bulk.. like Big 50lb buckets of cocoa, flour, sugar, wheat... etc... #10 can's of dried fruit, freezedried meats and veggies. It's awesome. The people in our ward are awesome. The scouting program here is awesome, Bryen got is Bear this last week and Braeden got his wolf. We are so happy for such an active and involved ward/scouting program. The school is a Gold Medal School. Columbia Elementary is so good, we couldn't have asked for a better school. We still miss our family and friends in WV... But we are grateful for the blessings it has brought our family living here in Kaysville UT. I hope to visit with my cousins now that they are back at school in Provo. Hopefully we can get together for sunday dinner soon. We have even taken a few trips, one to Antelope Island, and to YellowStone National Park. It was so cool. Bill's parents came to visit us. We drove thru the Teton's as well. It's been so much fun this summer. We are thinking of trying snowboarding and skiing this winter since we're here in Utah, with the best snow on earth. :) That's the download of what is currently going on. I'll try to stay in touch better.