It has been a very long time since I wrote last. A lot of things have happened in my life since then. It's been very crazy around here. Let's see where to start... After we all got well, we started making a few changes in our schedules and life. I started college again, this time to finish it! I am in my second term finals week currently, I am attending University of Phoenix (Axia College - Online). I'm going to school to get my degree in Medical Administration. I'm excited to have direction. After I started school, during the first part of my second term, I found out that where we were renting they wanted to sell the house. So we had to move, Mid-term, Mid-school year for the kids. They were so sad... actually, we all were. We searched high and low in Kaysville, UT so the kids could stay near their friends, and they could stay in the same school, but no such luck :(. We were able to find something in Saratoga Springs, UT. So we moved in April to Saratoga Springs. It's been crazy since we moved in, too. The weekend after we moved in my In-laws came to visit for Easter, which was really nice. Then we had Spring Break, and we went to Lego Land with the boys (so much fun!). They started a new school, and I've been working on picking up my grades from the move. My school work didn't get done for a week, so I've been struggling to make up the work and my grades. I've since been back to California one other time for a trip with Bill and the kids, he couldn't come with us to Lego Land cause he had to work. So we took another trip with him a couple of weeks later. My sister Katy came to visit me the weekend we moved and she was such a GREAT help! It was so good to see her and her two girls. I miss my family, being so far away from anyone. I have a few cousins that live in Provo, but I never get to see them. They are really busy with school and stuff too. i am grateful for the challenges in my life, they help me see the hand of the Lord. I didn't think I could move and go to school and everything that has happened in the last several months... but he has blessed me and I'm grateful for his hand in my life. Bill loves his new job. He works for Overstock.com now. He loves it! I am grateful he has a job that he loves. Since moving to Saratoga Springs I've had a hard time getting to know people. I'm hoping that I can meet more people soon. It's kind of lonely here, I've made one friend and it's good to have a good friend :). We are excited to have my in-laws come visit again in June :) If feels like we see them more now that we're so far away than when we lived 20 min away. :) We have plenty of room for guests if any of my friends who read this want to come visit :). My little sister Jenniy will be getting married in July. I'm her maid-of-honor :) I'm excited for her. I'll be taking a trip to Texas leaving the end of June. Lots to plan and pull together before her BIG DAY! She is getting married July 9. So we are having a family bridal shower July 1 in San Antonio. Another Bridal shower July 3 in Temple for those up in that direction. Her Bachelorette party July 7th - can you say belly dancing!! :) We are gonna have so much fun this summer. I'm driving down to Texas with the boys, Bill will fly down on July 8th, then we will drive home together. I get to spend some Quality time with my best friend since 3rd grade Hulda and her family. I plan on seeing my friends in San Antonio too. And of course FAMILY!!! I'm so excited to have a positive reason to go to texas. It's been a while since we've had that. The last positive thing was Jenniy's graduation from High School! which was 3 or 4 years ago I think... If I remember correctly. I didn't get to see much family when we were there. So I'm excited to see more this trip. Well, I'd better go and clean up. School for my kids gets out May 28th. Then we have the summer to PLAY! So excited. I also need to start my final papers today. Ugh.. but so excited to be getting my schooling done. :)